Franklin County Regional Airport
Information about FCRA.
Located just north of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, FCRA is the primary general aviation airport in Franklin County. FCRA hosts approximately 10,000 operations each year including recreational flying, agricultural spraying, corporate and business flying, aerial inspections and various community events.
Tie down and storage opportunities are available at FCRA. Contact HIA or call 888-2FLY-HIA for more information.
3506 Airport Road
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Franklin County
Hangar 400 is Available for Lease at Franklin County Regional Airport
A 2,840-square-foot facility with office space, is available for aviation tenants looking to establish or expand operations. Proposals to lease Hangar 400 are being accepted via PennBid now through January 10, 2025.
Pilot Information
• Airport Code: FCRA
• Located in Green Township, Franklin County just 3 miles northeast of the borough of Chambersburg, PA
• Runway 6/24 is 3,300 feet long and 75 feet wide
• A single 30-foot wide taxiway provides access to the aircraft ramp and hangar areas
• Landside facilities include nine t-hangar units, 11,730 square feet of hangar space and an administration building
• Federal Identifier, N68
We are excited to announce the Avgas 100ll fuel is now available for sale at N68 Franklin County Regional Airport.
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