Properties & Space for Lease
Get Your Business Off the Ground.
Every year, more than 1.2 million air travelers fly through HIA, presenting a wealth of business opportunities inside the airport and beyond. Many travelers spend time eating and relaxing with family or friends before their flights. Those who rent cars need fuel. Many need to stock up on sundries, gifts and souvenirs during their trips. Business travelers often stay in hotels near the airport, spending their off hours in local restaurants and businesses. In all of these cases, being the nearest gas station or coffee house or drug store means attracting reliable traffic from people at a time when they are ready to spend.
HIA has several lease opportunities available to businesses that want to capitalize on this well-established market. One of our available properties is located in Keystone Opportunity Zones (KOZs), presenting significant tax benefits. For information on how you can get your business off the ground with HIA, please contact our properties office at 717-948-3900 ext 4633.
Important Documents
Property Information
N-29 Site Development and Lease Opportunities